Just another typical day in the swamp neighborhood. A $33 million federal contract went to a company with ties to Donald Trump’s brother. Favoritism alleged. The chief of cybersecurity at the White House has quits concerned about security practices. Trump, who promised to erase the national deficit in eight years, instead has exploded it with tax cuts for the rich to almost $1 trillion in less than four. Then there was the time hackers seized control of D.C. surveillance cameras during the Trump inauguration and sought a ransom. And in the impeachment vein, a new book about former Defense Secretary James Mattis says Trump wanted him to screw Amazon out of a $10 billion cloud-computing deal because he hates Jeff Bezos, the Amazon boss and owner of the Washington Post. Mattis supposedly resisted. WAIT: I’m now informed Microsoft got the job yesterday. Coincidentally, the deal is still up in the air. Trump, who boasted about being a clean air champion, has presided over a worsening of air quality (with help from people like Leslie Rutledge and Arkansas congressmen, I might add.) And then there’s John Kelly’s quote indicating Trump needed a gatekeeper to prevent blunders (or high crimes and misdemeanors if you prefer.)

But, hey, the night is young. And Trump is so dreadful. The line is open.